Is Wheat Grass Gluten Free?
Cynthia Kupper of the Gluten Intolerance Group answered the question at the conference. She said that gluten is actually contained in the seeds, not the grass itself. So fresh cut wheat grass, that is free of the seeds, is naturally gluten free.
As we know, gluten is a protein found in wheat (as well as barley, rye & cross contaminated oats); It is not the actual wheat itself. So as long as the plant has not started to grow the seeds, then technically, it is gluten free.
While wheat grass in it’s purest form is considered gluten free, because it is typically cut before the seeds have grown, we can’t forget about the importance of how it is harvested & produced. For example, if a farmer allows some of the seeds to sprout prior to harvesting, then that entire crop is at risk of containing gluten and will very likely cause a reaction in our bodies.
Or it could easily be cross contaminated if processed alongside, or on, shared equipment.
Because of these potential sources of gluten, Cynthia cautioned that products, such as powdered wheat grass, are at a high risk of possibly containing gluten and should be avoided, unless clearly labeled “gluten free”.
But really, unless you are growing & harvesting your own wheat grass, why risk it?
Although wheat grass is touted as this “super food”, there is really nothing that special in it that we can’t get elsewhere.
I think I will ditch it all together & continue to absorb my vitamins & minerals from other vegetable sources.
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