Monday, April 28, 2014

Five Ways to Nourish Your Body Now

Five Ways to Nourish Your Body Now

By Kristin Grant, Delight Editorial Intern

Many of us lead fast-paced lifestyles and constantly find ourselves eating foods that are not the best for us. It is important for all of us to remember to take good care of our bodies. Now, I know that when I am stressed and pressed for time, the first thing that falls by the wayside is my healthy diet and lifestyle. I stop cooking all my meals, and I don’t even think about exercising.

One problem everyone faces after being diagnosed with Celiac Disease is that up until that point, their body had been malnourished, which — combined with poor eating habits — increases one’s risk of severe health issues. By beginning a gluten-free diet, the body starts to absorb the food that you intake. But we can also follow these five simple steps to make sure that we are nourishing our bodies and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

1. Make sure the nutrients you are getting come from a natural source. If your diet consists mostly of foods that have added-in nutrients, then your body isn’t getting exactly what it needs. Foods that naturally produce the nutrients the body requires, such as sugar, fiber and protein, will easily be broken down by your body and provide you with the fuel your body needs to not only survive but also thrive.

2. Establish a routine. Skipping meals is detrimental to having a healthy lifestyle. Instead of getting the nutrients it needs from the food you eat, your body has to break down the stored nutrients it needs from your cells. This slows down your metabolism, and if it’s done in excess, it will cause severe problems, especially to your arteries, over time.

3. Get physical! Going to the gym, taking a walk or going for a swim are examples of easy, fun ways to get your heartbeat going. Exercise provides an increase in hormones your body needs in order to regulate all of your body functions. Also, regular exercise helps you maintain your weight, helps regulate circulation and keeps you happy.

4. Soak up the sun. Going outside for even a short amount of time during the day helps keep your body functioning properly. Sunlight stimulates your skin to produce vitamin D, which helps keep your bones strong by providing them with calcium. Also, sunlight strengthens your immune system by increasing your white blood cell count. Not to mention, by getting some sunlight you are also providing your body with oxygen, which helps fuel your cells and produce energy.

5. Get some rest! While you are dreaming about living on an island somewhere with [insert celebrity crush here], your body is recovering from the day and producing all it needs for tomorrow. This is why it is so important that you get enough sleep each night. We all lead busy, stressful lifestyles, so make sure you are providing yourself with some much-needed down time at night.

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